Sentit | The order of animals. |
Sinònim | animals |
Membre de | Animalia | taxonomic kingdom comprising all living or extinct animals |
Específic | Acanthopterygii, acantopterigis | teleost fishes having fins with sharp bony rays |
Anisoptera, anisòpters | dragonflies |
Anseriforme, anseriformes, Anseriformes | ducks |
Aplacòfor, aplacòfors, Aplacophora | An order of Amphineura |
Apodiforme, apodiformes, Apodiformes | swifts |
Araneae, aranèids | spiders |
Artiodàctil, artiodàctils, Artiodactyla | An order of hooved mammals of the subclass Eutheria (including pigs and peccaries and hippopotami and members of the suborder Ruminantia) having an even number of functional toes |
Blattodea | cockroaches |
Brachyura, braquiürs | An order of crustaceans (including true crabs) having a reduced abdomen folded against the ventral surface |
Caprimulgiforme, caprimulgiformes | goatsuckers |
Carnivora, carnívors | cats |
Ceratopsia | horned dinosaurs |
Cetacea, Cetaci, cetacis | An order of Eutheria |
Chiroptera, quiròpters | An old order dating to early Eocene |
Ciclòstom, ciclòstoms | Primitive jawless aquatic vertebrate |
Ciconiforme, ciconiformes, Ciconiiformes | Order of chiefly tropical marsh-dwelling fish-eating wading birds with long legs and bills and (except for flamingos) unwebbed feet |
Cipriniforme, cipriniformes, Cypriniformes | An order of animals including almost entirely freshwater fishes |
Coleoptera, Coleòpter, coleòpters | beetles |
Collembola, col·lèmbols | minute wingless arthropods |
Coraciforme, coraciformes, Coraciiformes | rollers |
Cuculiforme, cuculiformes, Cuculiformes, cucul·liformes | cuckoos |
Decapoda, decàpodes | lobsters |
Dermaptera, Dermàpter, dermàpters | earwigs and a few related forms |
Dermoptera, dermòpters | flying lemurs |
Dinocerata | small order of primitive ungulates of the Paleocene and Eocene |
Diptera, Dípter, dípters | A large order of insects having a single pair of wings and sucking or piercing mouths |
Edentata, edentats | Order of mammals having few or no teeth including |
Embioptera, embiòpters | web spinners |
Ephemeroptera | mayflies |
Estereospòndil, estereospòndils, Stereospondyli | formerly a suborder of Stegocephalia |
Foraminifera, Foraminífer, foraminífers | foraminifers |
Gadiforme, gadiformes, Gadiformes | cods, haddocks, grenadiers |
Gal·liforme, gal·liformes, galliformes, Galliformes | pheasants |
Gruïforme, gruiformes, Gruiformes, gruïformes | inland marsh-dwelling birds with long legs and necks and bills that wade in water in search of food |
Gymnophiona | An order of amphibians including caecilians |
Hemiptera, Hemípter, hemípters | plant bugs |
Himenòpter, himenòpters, Hymenoptera | An order of insects including |
Homoptera, homòpters | plant lice (aphids) |
Hystricomorpha | An order of rodents including |
Ichthyosauria, Ictiosaure, ictiosaures | Extinct marine reptiles |
Insectivora, insectívors | shrews |
Lacertilia, saures, Sauria | true lizards |
Lagomorf, lagomorfs, Lagomorpha | rabbits |
Lepidoptera, Lepidòpter, lepidòpters | moths and butterflies |
Lobata, Lobat | ctenophore having tentacles only in the immature stage / stage |
Maniraptora | Advanced theropods including oviraptorids and dromaeosaurs and possibly even modern birds |
Mantophasmatodea | An order of insect identified in 2002 in a 45 million year old piece of amber from the Baltic region |
Marginocephalia | Includes boneheaded (pachycephalosaurs) and horned (ceratopsian) dinosaurs |
Marsupialia, marsupials, Metateri | coextensive with the subclass Metatheria |
Mecoptera | An order of carnivorous insects usually having long membranous wings and long beaklike heads with chewing mouths at the tip |
Megachiroptera | fruit bats |
Megaloptera, Megalòpter, megalòpters | In some classifications considered a separate order |
Microchiroptera | Most of the bats in the world |
Miomorf, Myomorpha | true rats and mice and related rodents |
Monotrema, Monotremata, monotremes | coextensive with the subclass Prototheria |
Neuroptera, Neuròpter, neuròpters | An order of insects including |
Notostraca, notòstracis | small freshwater crustaceans with a shield-shaped carapace |
Octopoda, octòpodes | octopuses and paper nautilus |
Odonata, odonats | dragonflies and damselflies |
Odontoceti, Odontocet, odontocets | toothed whales |
Opilió, opiliones, Opiliones, opilions | harvestmen |
Ornithischia, Ornitisqui, ornitisquis | Extinct terrestrial / terrestrial reptiles having bird-like pelvises |
Ornithopoda | widespread group including duck-billed dinosaurs and their early relatives (hadrosaurs, trachodon and iguanodon) |
Orthoptera, Ortòpter, ortòpters | grasshoppers and locusts |
Passeriforme, Passeriformes, passeriformes | largest order of birds comprising about half the known species |
Pelicosaure, pelicosaures, Pelycosauria | edaphosaurus |
Perciforme, perciformes, Perciformes | One of the largest natural groups of fishes of both marine and fresh water |
Percoidea | In some classifications nearly or exactly equivalent to the Perciformes which are considered a suborder |
Perissodàctil, perissodàctils, Perissodactyla | nonruminant ungulates |
Phasmatodea | In some classifications considered a suborder of Orthoptera |
Piciforme, piciformes, Piciformes | woodpeckers |
Plecoptera, Plecòpter, plecòpters | stoneflies |
Primates, Primat, primats | An animal order including lemurs and tarsiers and monkeys and apes and human beings |
Proboscidea, proboscidis | An order of animals including elephants and mammoths |
Procel·lariforme, procel·lariformes, Procellariiformes | petrels |
Prosauropoda | The earliest known dinosaurs |
Protura, proturs | minute wingless arthropods |
Pseudoescorpí, pseudoescorpins, pseudoscorpiones, Pseudoscorpionida | false scorpions |
Psocoptera, Psocòpter, psocòpters | An order of insects |
Pterosaure, pterosauris | Extinct flying reptiles |
Pulmonata, pulmonats | large order of gastropods usually breathing by means of a lung-like sac comprising most land snails and slugs and many freshwater snails |
Radiolaria, Radiolari, radiolaris | marine protozoa |
Rodentia, rosegadors | small gnawing animals |
Saurischia, Saurisqui, saurisquis | Extinct terrestrial / terrestrial reptiles |
Sauropoda, Sauròpode, sauròpodes | Any of the sauropod dinosaurs |
Sauropodomorpha | gigantic herbivorous dinosaurs having huge bodies with long necks and small heads |
Sauropterigi, sauropterigis, Sauropterygia | Extinct marine reptiles |
Scandentia | A small order comprising only the tree shrews |
Siluriforme, siluriformes, Siluriformes | An order of fish belonging to the superorder Malacopterygii including catfishes |
Sirenia, sirenis | An animal order including |
Squamata | diapsid reptiles |
Tecodont | Extinct terrestrial / terrestrial reptiles having teeth set in sockets |
Temnospòndil, Temnospondyli | formerly a suborder of Stegocephalia |
Teràpsid, teràpsids, Therapsida | Extinct mammal-like reptiles found inhabiting all continents from the mid Permian to late Triassic |
Teròpode, teròpodes, Theropoda | carnivorous saurischian dinosaurs with short forelimbs |
Thyreophora | armored dinosaurs |
Thysanoptera, Tisanòpter, tisanòpters | thrips |
Trichoptera, Tricòpter, tricòpters | An order of insects consisting of caddis flies |
Xenarthra, Xenartre, xenartres | armadillos |
Zignematal, Zygnematales | pond scums |
actiniaris | sea anemones |
actinomicetals | filamentous or rod-shaped bacteria |
actinomixidis | parasites of worms |
alcionacis | Comprising the soft corals |
alcionaris | corals and sea anemones having eight branches |
amfípodes | small flat-bodied semiterrestrial crustaceans |
anacantins | at least partially equivalent to the order Gadiformes in some classifications |
anguiliformes | elongate fishes with pelvic ... / pelvic fins and girdle absent or reduced |
anoplurs | sucking lice |
antropoides | monkeys |
anurs, Granota | frogs, toads, tree toads |
anàspids | Extinct order of jawless vertebrates |
apterigiformes | A ratite bird order |
batoïdeus, Raïformes | fish with dorsoventrally flattened bodies |
branquiürs | copepods with suctorial mouthparts |
caradriformes, Caradriformes, Charadriiformes | large diverse order of aquatic birds found along seacoasts and inland waters |
caràdrids | shorebirds |
casuariformes | A ratite bird order |
coccidis | An order in the subclass Telosporidia |
cocodrils, Crocodilia, Crocodylia | crocodiles |
columbiformes, Columbiformes | sand grouse |
columbiformes, podicipediformes, Podicipediformes | grebes |
decàpodes | squids and cuttlefishes |
dictiòpters | In some classifications replaced by the orders (here suborders) Blattodea (cockroaches) and Manteodea (mantids) |
dinoflagel·lades, Dinoflagellata, Dinoflagel·lat | In some classifications considered a phylum of the kingdom Protista |
dinornitiformes | A ratite bird order |
esciúrids, Sciuromorpha | large more or less primitive rodents |
escorpins | true scorpions |
escòmbrids | mackerels |
esfenisciformes, Sphenisciformes | penguins |
espiroquetals, Spirochaetales | Higher bacteria |
estegocèfals | In former classifications a division of class Amphibia comprising all pre-Jurassic and some later extinct large salamandriform amphibia |
estomatòpodes | mantis shrimps |
estrigiformes, Strigiformes | owls |
estrucioniformes, Struthioniformes | A ratite bird order |
eubacterials | One of two usually recognized orders of true bacteria |
eufausiacis, Euphausiacea, Krill | small commonly luminescent crustaceans |
euriptèrids, Eurypterida | Extinct aquatic arthropods of the Paleozoic |
falconiformes, Falconiformes | chiefly diurnal carnivorous birds having hooked beaks and long talons with opposable hind toe |
folidots, Pholidota | pangolins |
fucals | coextensive with the family Fucaceae |
ganoïdeus | A group of mostly extinct primitive bony fishes characterized by armor-like bony scales |
gaviformes, Gaviiformes | large aquatic birds |
heliozoos, heliozous | Mostly freshwater protozoa |
hemosporidis | An order in the subclass Telosporidia |
heterostracis | Extinct group of armored jawless ... / jawless fishes or fish-like vertebrate |
heteròpters | true bugs |
hipermastigins | cellulose-producing flagellates |
hiracoïdeus, Hyracoidea | hyraxes and some extinct animals |
ictodosaures | Extinct reptiles of the later Triassic period |
isòpodes | woodlice |
isòpters | Order of social insects that live in colonies, including |
labirintodonts | Extinct amphibians typically resembling heavy-bodied salamanders or crocodiles and having a solid flattened skull and conical teeth |
lemúrids, Lemuroidea | Lemuridae |
limícoles | Term used in some classifications for migratory shorebirds |
malacopterigis | An extensive group of teleost fishes having fins supported by flexible cartilaginous rays |
mal·lòfags | biting lice |
micoplasmatals | coextensive with the family Mycoplasmataceae |
microsporidis | An order in the subclass Cnidosporidia |
misidacis | opossum shrimp |
misticets, Mysticeti | baleen whales |
mixiniformes, Myxiniformes, Myxinoidea | hagfishes as distinguished from lampreys |
mixobacterials | An order of higher bacteria |
mixosporidis | An order in the subclass Cnidosporidia |
nematòcers | mosquitoes |
nudibranquis | Comprising numerous marine gastropod mollusks lacking a shell in the adult state and usually having a body like a slug |
ofidis, Ophidia, Serpentes, Serp | snakes |
osteostracis | Extinct group of armored fish-like vertebrates |
ostracoderms | Extinct group of armored jawless vertebrates |
otídids | terrestrial game birds of the Old World and Australia |
passeriformes | Two names for the suborder of typical songbirds |
pectinibranquis | large order of gastropods comprising univalve mollusks that have a single gill resembling a comb |
pedipalps | whip scorpions |
pelecaniformes, Pelecaniformes, Pelicaniforme | pelicans |
petromizoniformes | lampreys as distinguished from hagfishes |
picnogònids, Pycnogonida | sea spiders |
pinnípedes, Pinnipedia | seals |
plesiosaures, Plesiosauria | Any of the plesiosaurs |
pleuronectiformes | flatfishes |
polimastigins | small usually parasitic flagellates |
prosimis | not used in all classifications |
pseudomonadales, pseudomonadals | One of two usually recognized orders of true bacteria |
psitaciformes | An order of birds including parrots and amazons and cockatoos and lorikeets and lories and macaws and parakeets |
quelonis, Testudines | tortoises and turtles |
reïformes | A ratite bird order |
rickettsiales, rickettsials | pleomorphic Gram-negative microorganisms |
rincocèfals | tuataras |
ruminants | cattle |
sarcosporidis | imperfectly known parasites of the muscles of vertebrates |
sifonàpters, Siphonaptera | fleas |
sifonòfors | marine colonial hydrozoans |
testáceos, testacis | testacean rhizopods |
tetraodontiformes | boxfishes |
tinamiformes, Tinamiformes | coextensive with the family Tinamidae |
tisanurs | firebrats |
torpediniformes | rays with bodies shaped like torpedoes |
trogoniformes, Trogoniformes | trogons |
tubulidentats | An order of Eutheria |
tàrsids | In some classifications assigned to the suborder Prosimii |
urodels | salamanders |
xifosurs, Xiphosura | horseshoe crabs and extinct forms |
zigòpters | damselflies |
General | ordre | (biology) taxonomic group containing one or more families |
Anglès | animal order |
Espanyol | animales |